Waze is the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app.
It currently exists for iOS and Android.
Where can I get help with the Waze Application?
Waze uses the Google Support pages to offer help for its application, please visit their Official Waze FAQ/Help page directly. If you prefer, you may also ask questions in the Community forum.
Map Editor
Information and manuals about the Waze Map Editor (WME) can be found on Wazeopedia. You may also ask questions in the Community forum.
Who can edit the map?
Everyone who created a username and password with a registered e-mail address in the Waze app will be able to use those credentials to login and edit the map.Where and what can I edit?
You can edit the map only in areas where you have driven before in the last 90 days. After that the areas will close again.
You will start as a level 1 map editor, so you are only able to modify/edit roads and places that are not locked at a higher rank. After you have made your first 3'000 edits you will reach level 2.
Waze in Switzerland
Swiss highways (A1, 2, 3, etc...)
When trying to get a route passing through Switzerland, the Waze App avoids the highways, why?
The Swiss highways require a pass called the "vignette", it is a sticker that costs CHF40.- and that you must put on your windshield. If you drive on roads where it is required without it you can get a CHF200.- fine.
The Waze App needs you to confirm that you have this pass by adding it in your Waze passes in order to suggest driving on those roads, read more about it here: http://www.waze-switzerland.ch/vignette
Road closures
There is going to be a major event or construction in my area which will greatly affect traffic with closed roads, how can I help?
Tell the community about it to get someone to help you. Simply post on the Swiss Waze forum or e-mail us at fermetures@waze-switzerland.ch (english/french/italian) or sperrungen@waze-switzerland.ch (english/german).
Speed cameras
Why can't I add/see speed cameras in Switzerland, like in other countries?
Speed cameras have been disabled due to Swiss law, it is not planned to re-enable this feature unless the local law changes.
Gas prices
Gas prices are wrong, what can I do about it?
The only way to update gas prices is by using the Waze App. If you are within 500m of the gas station, simply click the orange report button on the app, then gas prices, and update them. (more help here)I flagged the gas station or opened a map error saying that the prices were wrong but it was closed and nothing was changed, why?
Reporting the price error by flagging the gas station or creating a map error is useless because map editors cannot update gas prices remotely.
Only people using the App who are close (-500m) to the station can update prices, there is no other way. That is why map editors have no other option than to close such reports, they cannot do anything about it, only you can.